When doing community work as a StarCraft II Community Mapmaker, I alongside couple other SC2 Mapmakers worked to develop a small team and community website dedicated to connecting with other SC2 Mapmakers, from these labors of the so called StarCraft Mapmaking Association came forth MapCave, which dedicated itself to showcasing work of the mapmakers in the association and as a outreach hub to tournament administrators great and small.

Visit MapCave.net
From this collective effort we got the attention of the StarCraft 2 Spanish League (SSL) and from other casters and community figures, alongside setting a foundation to what would come afterwards such as working with TeamLiquid to standardize the TeamLiquid Map Contest, so as to provide extra stability through the contests in so far as judging, and the steps that would be required for a community map to reach the Official Ladder of StarCraft II.
Now days, even when the website hasn’t been actively used, it still remains as a hub for StarCraft 2 Level Design knowledge, and it is constantly used by Korean Mapmakers as a reference point for what to strive for when it comes to creating visually distinct and interesting maps.
When it comes to creating Multiplayer Level Design and talking with other Level Designers I still like to showcase them the tutorials section of MapCave, as I personally ported the guides which I thought had the most value from SC2 Mapmaking there to preserve them, as many of them had images being hosted in older imagehost sites such as Imageshack and were slowly being withered down.
I worked in MapCave as Lead Administrator, Webmaster and Graphic Designer, and to this day I am very proud of it, it was so difficult, but I learned just so much in many areas from managing other workers, to how to keep tight branding, aesthetics, visual flows, how to lead the eye of users to important objects. Foundational things and ideas.